Sunday, June 14, 2009

On Immortality

Have you ever wondered what is your purpose, beyond "what god has in store for you" or whatever your religion says. Some people would say to make better in the world, but others really don't believe they have much of a purpose. My thought is that its genetically ingrained into us to drive on to do whatever is in our power to keep the race alive.

In essence we're clinging to life like some sort of single-celled life form, such as a disease. All that disease does is travel from host to host until it dies. Our "hosts" are what drives us to strive onward, for example: money, drugs, sex, the people we love, whatever you want.

With that comes Darwin's theory of evolution. If we just keep reproducing, theoretically after maybe millions of years we'd evolve to adapt to what would be essential for survival.

That leaves the question... is there a 'perfect specimen? Could we attain a level of never needing anything to survive and if so, would that mean immortality? It's an interesting question, something to ponder upon.

Once immortality is achieved, the primal need to survive will have been fulfilled. And we are still left to wonder, what is our purpose?

1 comment:

  1. that is the very question I used to ask until I came up with a better question: why ask? maybe there is no point to life and we should just enjoy it for whatever it is. Sometimes the question is more complicated than the answer. maybe life is just life. maybe life is clay, to be molded to whatever our skill sets determine. why do we need to know, as if knowing is going to change anything. Do we question the air before we take a breath? no. this is the same way we should not question life. Life has no reason. not everything has a logical explanation. If we find out that the meaning of life is Levi Jeans, will it make our lives any better? Well, maybe those Levi lovers will ...,, look whatever. the point is, death does not need a funeral. you are not alive just because you are breathing... that just means you are carbon life form with potential. to be truly alive, we should live and taste everything that life has to offer. not in excess but live to experience without fear. I for one will not look at a chocolate cake with my name on it and question how chocolate was made and why - i will eat the damn thing ... maybe get poisoned, but you know what I mean.
