Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Motivation for the Masses

Living a life comprised of lies. There is no light at the end of our tunnel. We all whither away and everyone dies.

Life doesn't hand us fucking lemons. Life hands us carcinogens. A relay, a race to our inevitable end by cancer.

If you're not having fun and living life to the fullest, then I don't see the point in existence.

We beat every single other sperm to the egg, just to waste our time being sheep?

Tens of trillions of cells creating our infrastructure, just to be herded by others' ideals on how we should live life.

What a waste. Fuck that shit, be a shepherd. Stray from the pack. Get away from the "necessary norms".

Who wants to grow old stuck slaving in the same routines?

1. Birth

2. Go to school

3. Go to college

4. Get a job

5. Find a wife

6. Settle down and have kids

7. Death.

Seven simple steps to a shitty, boring life. "I could never swallow your false ideals of a lifeless happy ending."

Life trapped under ice, impossible from which to free yourself.

Be your own person, live your own life. After all, it is yours isn't it?

No one should have control of you, except for yourself.

Be the Pilot, not the co-pilot, not the passenger, the fucking Pilot.

Government shouldn't have the right to tell me what to do.

"Walk on the sidewalk", "Go the speed limit", "No trespassing"

Yeah, welcome to the "Land of the Free." America: land where streets are paved with filth and corruption, not gold.

The crack from which the gold poured can still be seen in the Liberty Bell.

We the people? What the fuck. The constitution is a fucking played out joke. Change that shit to:

"We the people are the White House's doormat, just add 'Welcome'. "

Government tramples over us like a kid stomping on an ant hill.

We let them do as they please, when in reality, we're supposed to keep them in check from becoming too powerful.

Orwell's fucking nightmare. 1984 coming 25 to 30 years later.

Philip K. Dick's "Minority Report" was supposed to be Science Fiction. but its more of a reality than you think.

George A Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" on a different level.

Most people aren't really alive, just living. Open your eyes. Free your minds.

Humans are the walking dead. Think for your fucking selves, damnit.

Subservient servitude to the subliminal

Mental slavery for every man, woman and child

Just remember:

An easily malleable mind of a proletariat

is easier to control than that of a dissident.

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