Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gaming is Dead

The gaming world is a fucking flaming piece of shit. I'm honestly considering trading in my 360.

When I started playing PC FPS games in 1997 it was all about community, respect, friends and fun. I could hop on a server knowing that I was going to have fun, say "good game", "nice nade", "great shot" and in return have the same done back to me.

Now with the release of console games with access to the internet the fanbase of gaming has been spread throughout a wide community of thickheaded kids. Every time I get into a game of Modern Warfare 2 I am greeted in the lobby by hoards of latin-accented shit talkers screaming and not letting anyone get a word in edgewise. There's no longer any room for logic left in the game. Kids attracted to games like Halo 3 and Cod: World at War have completely overrun us. The immaturity level is astounding. I was 7 when I started playing online and I still had more maturity than these fucking assholes.

Honestly, if you're going to talk shit and act like you're better than me, then prove it. Stop being a pub scrub and get your ass into a private game and scrim or 1v1 me. The gaming world is obsolescent.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

On Immortality

Have you ever wondered what is your purpose, beyond "what god has in store for you" or whatever your religion says. Some people would say to make better in the world, but others really don't believe they have much of a purpose. My thought is that its genetically ingrained into us to drive on to do whatever is in our power to keep the race alive.

In essence we're clinging to life like some sort of single-celled life form, such as a disease. All that disease does is travel from host to host until it dies. Our "hosts" are what drives us to strive onward, for example: money, drugs, sex, the people we love, whatever you want.

With that comes Darwin's theory of evolution. If we just keep reproducing, theoretically after maybe millions of years we'd evolve to adapt to what would be essential for survival.

That leaves the question... is there a 'perfect specimen? Could we attain a level of never needing anything to survive and if so, would that mean immortality? It's an interesting question, something to ponder upon.

Once immortality is achieved, the primal need to survive will have been fulfilled. And we are still left to wonder, what is our purpose?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Falling awake

Falling awake between the vastness of time and space
Burning alive surrounded by boiling skin
Perpetual nosebleeds pouring blood out the rim
Mentally wiped out from the world's rat race.

Lingering in limbo between insomnia and hibernation
From this place I need liberation
For sleep is where I begin thought cultivation
Germination of motivation for my imagination.

Without sleep our minds are more open to be manufactured
The elite lulling you into the facade of the rapture
The brain stuck inside a cell, captured
While our ability to learn the truth has been fractured.

But I digress from this stress before creating a mess.
If I could I would regress to words previously at my access. But as for now I'll express myself to excess. The living game of chess to which we obsess will diminish your finesse and halt life's progress. Yes I transgress, to which I confess with true success. Nevertheless, the human race is a damsel in distress held steady by the "freedom" of the press. Once this is posted, I'm sure they'll already have my address.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bennett College

A few friends and I went urban exploring at Bennett College for women in Millbrook, NY. The building has been abandoned since the late 70's when a fire burned down a wing of the building and the school went bankrupt after rebuilding it. Supposedly it's haunted, but we ran into nothing paranormal out of the 3 trips we took there(2 at night, 1 during the day). I love urban exploring, it's quite amazing what one may find while walking around long abandoned buildings. If you have any other places in the Hudson River Valley in New York, I'd love to hear about them and eventually check them out for myself.

Be forewarned: Urban exploring is dangerous and also, if you're trespassing, punishable by law. Once while exploring Mid Hudson Valley Psychiatric Center, in Poughkeepsie, NY, cops came and searched the grounds, but luckily we escaped and had nothing happen to us.

Click here for a larger view of the pictures.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Motivation for the Masses

Living a life comprised of lies. There is no light at the end of our tunnel. We all whither away and everyone dies.

Life doesn't hand us fucking lemons. Life hands us carcinogens. A relay, a race to our inevitable end by cancer.

If you're not having fun and living life to the fullest, then I don't see the point in existence.

We beat every single other sperm to the egg, just to waste our time being sheep?

Tens of trillions of cells creating our infrastructure, just to be herded by others' ideals on how we should live life.

What a waste. Fuck that shit, be a shepherd. Stray from the pack. Get away from the "necessary norms".

Who wants to grow old stuck slaving in the same routines?

1. Birth

2. Go to school

3. Go to college

4. Get a job

5. Find a wife

6. Settle down and have kids

7. Death.

Seven simple steps to a shitty, boring life. "I could never swallow your false ideals of a lifeless happy ending."

Life trapped under ice, impossible from which to free yourself.

Be your own person, live your own life. After all, it is yours isn't it?

No one should have control of you, except for yourself.

Be the Pilot, not the co-pilot, not the passenger, the fucking Pilot.

Government shouldn't have the right to tell me what to do.

"Walk on the sidewalk", "Go the speed limit", "No trespassing"

Yeah, welcome to the "Land of the Free." America: land where streets are paved with filth and corruption, not gold.

The crack from which the gold poured can still be seen in the Liberty Bell.

We the people? What the fuck. The constitution is a fucking played out joke. Change that shit to:

"We the people are the White House's doormat, just add 'Welcome'. "

Government tramples over us like a kid stomping on an ant hill.

We let them do as they please, when in reality, we're supposed to keep them in check from becoming too powerful.

Orwell's fucking nightmare. 1984 coming 25 to 30 years later.

Philip K. Dick's "Minority Report" was supposed to be Science Fiction. but its more of a reality than you think.

George A Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" on a different level.

Most people aren't really alive, just living. Open your eyes. Free your minds.

Humans are the walking dead. Think for your fucking selves, damnit.

Subservient servitude to the subliminal

Mental slavery for every man, woman and child

Just remember:

An easily malleable mind of a proletariat

is easier to control than that of a dissident.

Arrest Me, I'm Dreaming

"Though not known to be lethal, the intense hallucinations triggered by DMT could lead to dangerous behavior, and the drug has been reported to cause seizures, nausea, cramping, violent vomiting and memory loss, among other effects, the officials said."

Gimme a second, currently laughing at this bullshit propaganda............

Your BRAIN produces DMT when you sleep and that's what makes you DREAM. People still classify it as a "hardcore drug", labeled Schedule I with Heroin and Cocaine.

Hasn't the Government fucked up enough aspects of our lives? Next, we'll lose our dreaming privileges all together.

Calculating Infinity

Raise the curtain on 'reality'. What is the phenomenon you are experiencing? Is this really all you want out of life? To live in a static world in which the laws of physics can not even explain the basic nature of the universe.

Everything you've been force-fed in schools is false. The veils hiding the true nature of who you are have been hung above the doorways by those who don't want you to know the truth. For what reason? Who knows.

Your brain is an advanced version of a computer, not using binary, but trinary, able to ignore irrelevant information, unlike a computer(see 1). We are sophisticated machines... and that has been exploited.

The universe is not made of solid materials. Because everything contains space, about 99.9% of space makes up everything you can imagine. If you don't believe me look at a model of an atom. Even further, atoms are made of subatomic particles such as quarks, which are the building blocks of protons, neutrons, neutrinos, etc(see 2). String theory physicists believe that there are even smaller particles called strings which create quarks(see 3).

Still with me here? I didn't think so, but I'll continue for shits and giggles. Strings all resonate at their own tune, creating vibrations(see 4). These vibrations create EVERYTHING we think to be our environment. Our brain decodes these vibrations, or waves and translates them into a form we can conceive of using your five physical senses. Sort of like watching television, everything is just waves until they reach the actual television set and then they are created as images on the screen.

In other words, you do not see with your eyes, hear with your ears, feel with your fingers or smell with your nose. Everything is an illusion created by your brain in an attempt to understand what it can not fathom. Everything around us is made of space and vibrations within that space which is translated into a solid, but unrightfully so.

Some metaphysicians believe that there are up to seventeen(see 5), yes 17 senses, but your body tends to ignore them because they do not have a physical nature like our main 5. Those in tune with the world, such as Buddhist monks, who spend alot of time meditating, are prone to understanding these senses much more than the average person.

Our minds have been thought to ridicule all other theories than what modern day 'science' has 'proven'. We laugh at what we do not understand. I find it hard to ridicule something David Bohm, a protege of Einstein himself formulated.

Bohm, as well as Karl Pribham believe that the mind acts just like a hologram. Everything around us is just an illusion interpreted by our brain matrix creating an image inside our head, while the outside world is all waves. Holograms acts by shining lasers through a set of intersecting waves which then create an apparent 3D image, I say apparent due to the fact that you can pass your hand through it(see 6). There are many, many more valid reasons for this, which can be found all over the internet, or in an amazing book, entitled The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.

These theories have been look shunned by closed-minded scientists. Some believe they are literally brainwashed, or programmed into not believing anything than what they have been traditionally taught. Some conspiracy theorists believe that there is a dark reason for such knowledge to be rejected. One very interesting book is The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it). I guess you can't an old dog new tricks, not to overuse that cliche metaphor. Don't believe any of this bullshit? Check my sources.


I'll leave off with some quotes:

"The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self"
-Albert Einstein

"Conditioned Awareness is where we live our lives in guilt over the past and anxiety over the future andnever gets to experience the present."
-Russell Targ

"If the world that we are forced to accept is false and nothing is true, then everything is possible...
... I
nterrupt the continuum of everyday experience and all the normal expectations that go with it."

-Richard Linklater, Waking Life